We are thrilled to be headed straight into the FALL holiday season. With only 3 Pop-Up Raleigh markets left this year, we are packing as much local art & vintage into each month. Starting Saturday, we have over 40 local vendors, food trucks, live music, a Kidz Zone with bounce houses, festive drink specials and treats for shoppers at the welcome table (look for the aqua & white stripped umbrella in front of the brewery). As always, dogs are welcome and the market is family friendly. For details and pictures of who is coming this Saturday, follow @PopUpRaleigh on Instagram and Facebook. A complete list is below and we cannot wait to see you Saturday, 12-5pm, at Trophy on Maywood Avenue.
Participating Vendors October 21st
Food trucks start serving at noon. Saturday’s trucks at Beefy Buns & Mr. Puebla Tacos
Anna Totten Creative
Bumble & Hound
Hank E Panky Farm & Soap Shop
Hanstan Studio
Jon Magnus Photography
Kindle Wick Candle Co
Little Doodles Play Cafe
Loverthina’s Salsa
NONS Salts
Oak City Hemp
Porch Dog Pots
Sissy & Jack’s Handcrafted Jewelry
Sprinkled With Love Cakery
Tommy Handmade
YGG Threads
Albus Agate
David Walbert Woodworking
Emily Petrilla Illustrations
Evergreen Rose Ceramics
Fox + Tiger Vintage
Franny’s Farmacy
Garden & Gather
Galatea Boutique
Gus McGee Book Company
House of Hibiscus Teas
Ky’s Kandles
Milestone Bag Co
Moonlytes Vintage Gifts
Mostly Knotty
Origami Styling
ParMar Media
Pet Wants East Raleigh
Pierce Paints
Pretty Average Photography
Pretty Fab Vintage
The Blue Ox Bakery
The Plum Umbrella
Vintage Vibes & Goodbuys
ware ware studio
WoodLit Candle Company