
Pop-Up Raleigh is thrilled to be partnering with Trophy for our 13th year of markets. Every third Saturday, March through December, artisans, vintage curators, local makers, food trucks and a community of people and cute dogs gather around Trophy’s Maywood Brewery & Taproom. If you would like to join the vendors at Pop-Up Raleigh, please read the information below and apply. We are always looking for fresh art and cool vintage!

The April 19th market is FULL with a waiting list.

APPLICATION LINK for the May 17th, June 21st and July 19th markets is HERE.

ALL Pop-Up Raleigh produced markets are juried from submitted applications only. DO NOT send money to people on Instagram or Facebook that reach out about available space at ANY market/event. Pop-Up Raleigh will only communicate under the market name or email (@popupraleigh and or 


Are you ready to apply to Pop-Up Raleigh Market? Let’s figure that out.

  • Read this page completely before proceeding.
  • Note, you will need a Sales and Use NC Tax ID to participate in the markets.
  • Pop-Up Raleigh is the 3rd Saturday, March through December, at Trophy on Maywood Avenue.

How can I apply? 

To apply to Pop-Up Raleigh you’ll need to completely fill out the application (link above in RED). After you apply, you will need to go to PayPal to activate your application. Directions for how to do this are within the application process. We do not review applications without the $10 (nonrefundable) activation fee. Each market is juried separately, so you might be accepted into one market and on the waiting list for another. We try to be as fair as possible with vendor rotation. You will get an email of your status no later than 2 weeks prior to the market date. If you need advance notice, please email us. 

Basic Information about the Application Process

When is set up? Set up begins at 10am and market hours are 12-5pm. 

What about food trucks? We love food trucks! Email  TrophyTrucks @ TrophyBrewing . com to get on the schedule.

What are the booth sizes and prices?

Outdoor booths are 10’x10′ $85

Inside spaces are 5′ deep by 8′ wide $85

Must I have a tax I.D to participate?  Yes. You must have a valid state tax I.D. to participate in our market. This is a legal requirement from the NCDOR and we cannot make an exception, other than for Girl Scout Cookies and band popcorn sales.

What type of vendors are you looking for? 

  • vintage goods; housewares, clothing, shoes, furniture, records, collectibles, lighting etc.
  • original art work; painters, print makers, photographers, jewelers, etc.
  • handmade candles and soaps, pots and clay work, woven crafts, wood crafts, original knitted items, original sewn items, etc.
  • designers and graphic artists with original artwork, t-shirts, bags, cards, etc. especially NC-themed items
  • local galleries and boutiques that have a certain focus on NC-made or designed items (THIS category is VERY limited )
  • services or experiences that we feel are relevant to our visitors

What types of vendors are you NOT looking for? We do not accept applications for vendors that sell MLM products, imported ‘faux’ crafts and designer knock-offs. There are other markets that allow these items.

Who reviews the applications? Tracey Johnson(owner/organizer of Pop-Up Raleigh) with help from local artists and vintage curators.

Why do I have to pay an application fee? Most shows require an application fee. We charge a very modest $10 fee that covers multiple market dates. This allows us to be certain that applicants really do want to participate in the market and aren’t just filling out applications for the fun of it. Reviewing applications and examining all the business information takes valuable time.

This show is not for everyone. If you have filled out an application a few times and have not been accepted to a market, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Do you have zero social media or web presence? No website, no Facebook, no instagram? We use those social media links to get to know you better and promote your business. 
  2. Do you sell crafts that you make from kits found at chain craft stores? Do your products LOOK like you made kits from chain craft stores? We are looking for original, creative ideas and so are our shoppers.
  3. Do you sell items at a price point that does not work for our show? We are a one-day show in a local brewery, so super low prices or super high prices won’t resonate with most of our visitors.
  4. Is your product part of a direct marketing, home-show program? We do not have enough space or shopper interest in these categories.
  5. Did you only fill out the applications half-way, or misspell a lot of things or use foul language?  We take our business seriously and want to support vendors that do the same. 

The most common reason applicants do not get accepted into our market is that we have some categories that are EXTREMELY competitive. If you sell a popular or trendy item, there is a chance we are looking at dozens of applications in your category. 







