Pop-Up Raleigh’s monthly art+vintage market is this Saturday, 12-5pm. We are excited about welcoming some brand new vendors to the mix this month. We love supporting small businesses and meeting new creatives. The complete artisan list is below and we cannot wait to spend another afternoon at Trophy on Maywood. 454 Grill and Berto’s Chimis will have delicious lunch options, starting at noon. The Trophy Beer Trailer will be parked in the center of the market for quick refills and The Blue Ox Bakery and Yellow Garden Bake Shop will have lots of sweet treats. It is going to be a great afternoon and everyone is welcome at Pop-Up Raleigh, even the pup!
Follow @PopUpRaleigh on Facebook & Instagram for links and images from each artisan.
May 20th Participating Vendors
Inside Vendors:
Apex Weaver NC
Bouquets for the Holidays
Bumble and Hound
HANDmeUPS Thrifts
Hank E Panky Farm & Soap Shop
Jullz Jewelry
Kindle Wick Candle Co
NONS salts
Oak City Hemp
Oak City Made NC
Parcero Studio
Petal to the Press
Porch Dog Pots
Saudamini Madra Designs
Studio Pema
Outside Vendors:
27 and Looming
Albus Agate
Baily’s Truck truck
Bustling Bobbin
Christina Britt Studio
Fox Den Pottery
Fruit Punch Vintage
Galatea Boutique
Garden and Gather
Hanstan Studio
Mary Jordan Ceramics
Merak Creations
Moonlytes Vintage Gifts
Moonstone Soap + Candle Co
My Depiction Addiction
Needle & Thread Co
ParMar Media
Pretty Average Photography
Rick Bennett Watercolors
SarahLou Art and Design
Smiling Elephant Studio
The Blue Ox Bakery
The White Sparrow NC
Vocal Vintage
Wanderlust Bee & Wander Bee Coffee Co
Woodlit Candles
Yellow Garden Bake Shop